

your health matters

Dr. Lauren, ND is additionally licensed to prescribe in Ontario. This includes Hormone Replacement Therapy, dessicated thyroid, bio-identical hormones and Vitamin B12 injections.


Vitamin D & B12 Prescriptions

your health matters

Vitamin D is a vitamin that plays a crucial role in bone health, immune function, and calcium absorption. Our bodies can synthesize Vitamin D when the skin is exposed to sunlight, but it can also be obtained through diet and supplements. Dr. Lauren ND may recommend a Vitamin D prescription after reviewing bloodwork.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is common and can occur in vegan or vegetarian diets, or in the case of low intake or suboptimal absorption. In such cases, Dr. Lauren, ND, may prescribe Vitamin B12 supplements to address the deficiency.

Nutritional Supplementation

your health matters

Supplements can be used to enhance our treatment plans. Dr. Lauren ND determines which supplements are required based on individual need. Supplementation is intended to enhance the healing process, and is re-assessed on an on-going basis. The end goal is to have your body function optimally without having to rely on supplementation. High quality, third-party-tested, professional brand supplements are what is most often recommended.


& cupping

your health matters

Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that involves the insertion of small needles into specific areas on the body (called meridians) and points that work together to achieve a therapeutic effect. Dr. Lauren primarily uses acupuncture to address conditions like headaches, insomnia, anxiety and stress, chronic pain, hormonal imbalances, digestive concerns, and emotional imbalances.


Cupping has been a part of Chinese Medicine for centuries and is a useful tool for Naturopathic Doctors. It involves the use of cups to suction the skin, thereby drawing up tissue and releasing underlying fascia. It helps to promote muscle and tissue recovery, reduce pain, release trigger points and increase blood flow and mobility.

lab testing

your health matters

Lab testing is an important tool in understanding the whole person and symptom presentation. More common tests are listed below, but many more are available and discussed on an individual basis.


diet and lifestyle counselling

your health matters

Diet and lifestyle counselling is almost always discussed in visits with Dr. Lauren. We work on strategies on how to optimize diet and lifestyle in a way that works best for you, your lifestyle and your goals.